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Terms and Conditions

  Sales Conditions

Standard Sales Conditions for Consumer Purchases of Goods over the Internet.


This purchase is regulated by the Standard Sales Conditions for Consumer Purchases of Goods over the Internet, given below. Consumer purchases via the Internet are regulated primarily by the Contracts Act, the Consumer Purchases Act, the Marketing Control Act, the Cancellation Act and the E-Commerce Act, and these laws provide consumers with mandatory rights. These laws are available (in Norwegian) at The terms of the contract are not to be understood as a limitation on legal rights but present the parties’ most important rights and duties in regard to the purchase.

The Sales Conditions have been created and are recommended by the Norwegian Consumer Authority. For a better understanding of these Sales Conditions, see the Consumer Authority’s guidelines.

Our sales conditions apply only when you use our website which is run by AUMAS BITES AND FLAVOURS organization number: 929234243.

  • Contract

The contract consists of these Sales Conditions, information given in the ordering solution, and any specially agreed conditions. In the event of a conflict between pieces of information, precedence goes to what has been specially agreed between the parties, as long as this does not conflict with mandatory legislation.

In addition, the contract will be complemented by relevant statutory provisions that regulate the purchase of goods between traders and consumers.

  • Parties

The seller is AUMAS BITES AND FLAVOURS, Sollihagen 37 B, 1435 Ås,,  VAT registration number: 929234243, and is designated in the following as the Seller.

The purchaser is the consumer who places the order and is designated in the following as the Purchaser.

  • Price

The stated price for the goods and services is the total price to be paid by the Purchaser. This price includes all taxes and additional costs. The Purchaser shall not be charged for any further costs of which the Seller has not informed the Purchaser before the purchase.

  • Conclusion of contract

The contract is binding for both parties as soon as the Purchaser has sent the order to the Seller.

However, a party is not bound by the contract if there are orthographical or typological errors in the offer from the Seller in the ordering solution of the online shop or in the Purchaser’s order, and the other party realized or should have realized that such an error was present.

  • Payment

The seller is currently offering PayPal and credit/debit cards (through Stripe) payment methods with plans of adding more methods.

The Seller may charge the Purchaser for the good from the time it is sent from the Seller to the Purchaser.

If the Purchaser uses a credit or debit card to make the payment, the Seller may hold the funds on the card when the order is placed. The card will be charged on the same day the good is sent.

If the Seller offers post-delivery invoicing, the invoice shall be issued when the good is dispatched. The due date shall be written on the invoice and must be a minimum of 14 days from when the Purchaser receives the delivery.

Purchasers under the age of 18 may not pay via post-delivery invoicing.

  • Delivery

Physical delivery by the seller is scheduled for weekends with exceptions where prior arrangements are made between the seller and the purchaser. The goods shall be delivered to the Purchaser unless other special arrangements are made between the parties.

For deliveries via post, the orders are dispatched within one day of placement.

Delivery has occurred once the Purchaser or his/ her representative has taken possession of the item.

If the delivery time is not stated in the ordering solution, the Seller shall deliver the good to the Purchaser within a reasonable time frame and no later than 30 days after the order is placed by the customer.

  • Product risk

Product risk is assumed by the Purchaser as soon as the item is taken over by the Purchaser or his/ her representative in accordance with Section 6. The purchaser is obligated to ensure that the goods delivered are of the expected quality. Should this turn out otherwise, the purchaser must send email to the seller at within 24 hours after delivery. AUMAS BITES AND FLAVOURS is not responsible for how the purchaser uses or /and stores the goods after delivery. If the purchaser is unsure of how goods are consumed or stored, they can contact the seller.

  • Right to cancel

Deliveries include freshly made www that are perishable. It is therefore not possible to cancel or make changes after delivery. According to section §22 of the Right of Cancellation Act, there is no right of cancellation for deliveries that have not been canceled within the deadline. The deadline is before the product has been delivered to you by the seller. In that case, the buyer must notify the seller via e-mail or telephone and must not accept the delivery from the driver. The buyer will be charged the delivery fee for both sending and returning the delivery to our address. AUMAS BITES AND FLAVOURS must refund the price of your order back to your bank account within a reasonable time, no later than 30 days.

  • Allergies

In case of allergies or special needs, you are responsible for checking the contents of our packages and the individual ingredients before ordering. You are responsible for reading the ingredients list and knowing which ingredients are important for your particular needs.

  • Delays and non-delivery: the Purchaser’s rights and time limit to make a claim

If the Seller does not deliver the good or delivers it late according to the terms of the parties’ contract, and this is not due to the Purchaser or to conditions on the part of the Purchaser, the Purchaser may, in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Consumer Purchases Act, withhold the purchase sum, demand fulfillment of the contract, terminate the contract and/or demand compensation from the Seller, according to the relevant circumstances.

For demands of remedy for breach of contract, notice should be given in writing for the purposes of documentation (for example by email).


The Purchaser may affirm the purchase and demand fulfillment from the Seller. The Purchaser may not however demand fulfillment if there is a barrier to fulfillment the Seller cannot overcome, or if fulfillment would cause a great disadvantage or expense to the Seller that is out of proportion to the Purchaser’s interest in the fulfillment. Should these obstacles be removed within a reasonable amount of time, however, the Purchaser may demand fulfillment.

The Purchaser loses his/her right to demand fulfillment if he/she waits an unreasonably long time to make the claim.


If the Seller does not deliver the good at the time set for delivery, the Purchaser shall call on the Seller to deliver within a reasonable additional time frame for fulfillment. If the seller does not deliver the good within the additional time frame, the Purchaser may cancel the purchase.

The Purchaser may, however, cancel the purchase immediately if the Seller refuses to deliver the goods. This also applies to cases in which delivery at the agreed time was a decisive factor in the conclusion of the contract, or if the Purchaser has informed the Seller that the delivery time is a decisive factor.

If the item is delivered after the additional time frame set by the consumer or after the delivery time that was a decisive factor in the conclusion of the contract, termination must be asserted within a reasonable time frame after the Purchaser was informed of the delivery.


The Purchaser may demand compensation for losses incurred as a result of the delay. However, this does not apply to cases in which the Seller can assert that the delay was due to obstacles outside the Seller’s control that could not have reasonably been foreseen at the time the contract was concluded, could not have been avoided or the consequences of which could not have been overcome.

  • Defects in the goods – the buyer’s rights and deadline for complaints

If food received by the buyer has become ripe or stale and the buyer no longer wants the food, the buyer must notify Us within the same day the food is received. Notice should be given to the Seller in writing.

  • Seller’s rights in case of Purchaser’s breach of contract

If the Purchaser does not pay or otherwise fulfil his/her duties according to the contract and/or the law, and this is not due to the Seller or to conditions on the part of the Seller, the Seller may, in accordance with the rules in Chapter 9 of the Consumer Purchases Act, withhold the good, demand fulfillment of the contract, terminate the contract and demand compensation from the Purchaser, according to the relevant circumstances. The Seller may also, according to the relevant circumstances, charge interest for late payment, a collection fee, and a reasonable fee for uncollected goods.


If the Purchaser does not pay, the Seller may affirm the purchase and demand that the Purchaser pay the purchase sum. If the good is not delivered, the Seller will lose its right if it takes an unreasonably long time to make the claim.


Upon significant non-payment breach or any other significant breach by the Purchaser, the Seller may terminate the contract. However, the Seller may not terminate the contract after the purchase sum has been paid. The Seller may also terminate the purchase if the Purchaser does not pay within a reasonable additional time frame for fulfillment set by the Seller.

Interest relating to late payment/collection fee  

If the Purchaser does not pay the purchase sum specified in the contract, the Seller may charge interest on the purchase sum according to the Act Relating to Interest on Overdue Payments. In cases where payment is not made, the debt may be sent for collection after a warning has been issued, and the Purchaser may then be held responsible for fees according to the Act relating to Debt Collection and Other Debt Recovery.

Fees for uncollected, non-prepaid items

If the Purchaser fails to collect unpaid goods, the Seller may charge the Purchaser a fee. The fee shall at maximum cover the Seller’s actual expenses for delivering the good to the Purchaser. Purchasers under 18 years of age cannot be charged this fee.


All prices on our website are subject to change without notice. In the event that the listed product price is incorrect due to typographical, photographic, or technical errors, AUMAS BITES AND FLAVOURS reserves the right to cancel or refuse orders for a product listed at the incorrect price. If a product’s price is lower than the correct price, we will charge the lower amount and ship the product to you. If the product’s price is higher, we will cancel your order and notify you of the price cancellation. After correcting the error, you still have the opportunity to purchase the product at the correct price.

  • Warranties.

There are no warranties on products sold on

  • Personal data

The Seller is the party responsible for handling collected personal data. Unless the Purchaser consents otherwise, the Seller may only obtain and store whatever personal data is necessary for the Seller to complete its duties according to the contract. The Purchaser’s personal data shall only be given to others if this is necessary for the Seller to fulfil the contract with the Purchaser, or in cases where this is required by law.

  • Conflict resolution

Claims must be directed to the Seller within a reasonable time frame in accordance with Sections 9 and 10. The parties shall attempt to resolve any disputes out of court. If this is not successful, the Purchaser may contact the Consumer Authority for mediation. The Consumer Authority can be reached on (+47) 23 400 600 or at

Updated 2023


About Us

ur team of expert bakers craft each item with precision and care, ensuring that every bite is bursting with flavor.

Mon - Sat: 8.00 - 18.00

Sunday Closed